Sony - DualShock 4 Wireless Controller for Sony PlayStation 4

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Многофункциональный джойстик DualShock 4 для Sony PS4 V2

DualShock 4 для Sony PS4 V2 — беспроводной контроллер, ориентированный на взаимодействие с новейшей платформой Sony PlayStation 4. Устройство представляет собой джойстик для игровых устройств, который сочетает революционные возможности с интуитивно понятным дизайном. Sony PS4 V2 улучшает управляемость игр, предоставляет возможность контролировать уровень яркости световой панели и делает игровой процесс более простым и удобным.

Эргономичный дизайн
Новая модель DualShock 4 отличается стильным матовым покрытием, показывает уровни подсветки световой панели и позволяет управлять вашей PS4 через кабель USB, а также Bluetooth. Благодаря удобной, эргономичной конструкции, Sony PS4 V2 удобно держать в руках. А усовершенствованные джойстики и кнопки обеспечивают более точное управление устройством.

Сенсорная панель
Осуществляйте руководство при помощи жестов и перемещений на чувствительной сенсорной панели. После рестайлинга вы можете видеть вашу световую панель сверху во время игры.

Световая панель
Для создания эффекта более интуитивного геймплея, интегрированная световая панель устройства предоставляет визуальную информацию об игровом процессе. Например, какого персонажа контролирует геймер, или сколько осталось здоровья и т.д. Панель также помогает PlayStation®Camera отслеживать ваше положение, позволяя вам взаимодействовать в виртуальной среде.

Кнопка Share (поделиться)
Кнопка Share используется для того, чтобы отправлять видео и фото из ваших игр в социальные сети. Создавайте прямую трансляцию игрового процесса в Twitch, YouTube и Dailymotion или редактируйте записанные вами игровые ролики и обменивайтесь ими на Facebook и Twitter!

Вы также можете пригласить друзей онлайн, чтобы поиграть с вами в ваши игры, даже если при этом они не владеют ими на Share Play.

Встроенный динамик и стереогарнитура
PS4 V2 позволяет наслаждаться дополнительными звуковыми эффектами, которые можно услышать из динамика, который встроен в сам джойстик. Вы также сможете общаться с друзьями онлайн через стереогарнитуру.

Улучшенная вибрация
Улучшенные графика и звук, а также более четкая вибрация, возникающая при обратной связи, создают эффект еще большего вовлечения в действие. Вибрация обеспечивается мощными вибромоторами.

Игровой процесс на расстоянии
Перенаправьте ваш PS4 V2 на Windows®PC или Mac, и не прерывайте игру, даже если вы находитесь далеко от телевизора. Беспроводной адаптер улучшает дистанционное воспроизведение на компьютере, что позволяет играть без проводов.

Индивидуальная настройка
У вас есть возможность самостоятельно настроить ваш джойстик — отрегулировать громкость, отключить вибрацию и подкорректировать яркость световой панели. Вы также можете выбрать проводное или беспроводное соединение PS4 V2.

4.5 из 5
Отзывов: 4
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Tough and Comfortable
I actually bought this controller for use with a pc. I dont own a ps4 myself but with best buys price matching for online items it was actually cheaper than the controller i was replacing (afterglow wireless ps3 controller with the dpad and analog stick in the xbox locations instead of ps3). It has been relatively painless work with. It has a good feel in the hands, button placement is familiar and natural. I will say the start and share buttons are small, virtually level with the rest of the controller and kinda impractical to hit without looking at the controller. I often find i hit the middle touch pad thing instead. Speaking of steam seems to recognize and work with the touch pad to an extent though i havent put much time into seeing if thats practical. The only other thing i noticed is that windows interprets the bottom triggers in their natural state to still be an input. So pressing them is an input but also not pressing them is one. If you're like me and use a 3rd party program to map keyboard and mouse function to a controller, make sure to account for this or youll have frustrating unintentional results. The final thing that has a good and bad side is, you can play while charging, though if you normally play with it via bluetooth, be prepared for the fact that once you plug it in the pc will recognize the controller as a totally different device....with a different layout. All in all i bet it works great on ps4 and even gets the job done for pc
Been waiting months to get my hands on this controller! I've had it for about two weeks now and it feels great. It is larger, but not as large as I was expecting. Those pictures make it look very large! Having said that, it does feel perfect in my hands. The grips are just long enough for my pinky fingers to fit on them. The analog sticks are a bit further apart now and the d-pad and face buttons are nice and familiar, no complaints there. I've been using it on Uncharted 3, mainly. It feels really nice and the sticks have more resistance to them, they feel more precise. I can't say how much I am loving the L2/R2 triggers! They curve the right way now!! So long overdue! No more having to buy Realtriggers. The underside of the controller appeared to be rubberized in all the photos, but it in fact is not. It is the same material as the rest of the controller, but with a slightly rougher surface. Slightly disappointing, but it still feels great. The touchpad is often times compared to that of the Vita, but they have different textures with the DS4 being more tactile and the Vita's rear touchpad being completely glossy. Included in the box is...well, nothing but the controller. The charging port is not the same as the DualShock 3. You will need a micro USB cable to charge and sync, but if you have a smartphone that cable will do. I'm currently using a six foot cable and its just long enough, hopefully the one we get with the console is at least that long. There is one in the PS4 box, but not with the single DualShock 4. Overall, I'm really loving this controller. I can't wait to try out the touchpad with my PS4 and to be able to hear what the speaker is going to be like.
Great choice for Mac owners
I had been using the x-box 360 controller with the wired interface. I wanted wireless and preferably Bluetooth. I bought the Steam controller and the DualShock 4. From the 360 to the DS4 is an amazing jump in tech and ergonomics. I for one find that I prefer the symmetrical joystick controls.

As far as connection to macOS machines. It’s a simple matter of pairing over Bluetooth. No mus, no fuss. This also allows my iMac to sleep without having to disable the driver as I did with the 360. There is also the option to connect via USB using a NOT INCLUDED micro USB cable. (C’mon Sony how am I supposed to charge it!)

There is no native support for this controller in macOS other than offering seamless connectivity. The controller cannot be used for productivity apps unless they have built-in support, or a third-party “driver” is used. (Check out USB Overdrive or Controller Mate.)

So far I have used this controller only with Steam and their Big Picture mode. This app provides tremendous control over every feature of the DS4! Maybe too much! I could spend hours “playing” with settings and combinations to suit each and every game I have installed.

Why four stars?
1 no included USB cable
2 no macOS native driver support. (But this could be a good thing for Steam users.
3 no back side buttons like the Steam and Xbox elite controllers. (Though the Touch Bar has buttons and touch functionality it is less convenient than the back-side buttons.

All-in-all you won’t be disappointed. Especially if you are a Mac gamer.
Comfortable, responsive, and versatile controller
DualShock 4 is the controller that's packaged with every PlayStation 4 system. Much like the DualShock 3 for PS3, this controller retains the popular button layout found on every Sony home console since the original PlayStation, along with dual analog sticks, vibration, and tilt controls. For the PS4, Sony reshaped the controller for improved ergonomics, and added a rectangular touch pad, a small audio speaker (which some game use to offer sound cues), a headset jack, and a light bar (which can be used for camera and VR games).

The current revision of this controller, model CUH-ZCT2U, was introduced in 2016, and has a few subtle changes. There is now a thin translucent strip along the top edge of the touch pad, to allow the "glow" from the light bar to be viewed more easily by the player. Also, there is reduced latency when it is used as a "wired" controller with a USB cable.

The controller is lightweight and fits nicely in the hand. The rear side of the "handles" have a slight texture to improve grip. The analog sticks are responsive and accurate, and I like the symmetrical layout as it offers a good, balanced feel. The digital D-pad is among the best that you'll find on today's selection of home video game consoles. One drawback is that the battery only lasts a few hours on a charge, so be sure to keep your USB cable (or a charging station) handy.

While DualShock 4 is primarily promoted as a PS4 controller, it is also highly recommended for PC gamers. It can be used for Remote Play and the PlayStation Now streaming game service. It also works as a great alternative to the Steam Controller for games played through Steam.

DualShock 4 packs plenty of useful features for the price. It stands as one of the finest gaming controllers for either PS4 or PC users.
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